Friday, July 31, 2009

lesson from a dead girl the book

Omg this book is so good right now! so far they already told us that lean green dies! and its also kind of gross is some kind of way but not that much if your are mauture enough it is really interesting once i read the first page i just copuld not stop reading it and i went on and it got better! so go and read the book its called "lessons from a dead girl"

english class! -> (not easy)

uhh for inglish calss we have to do a narritive but i dont know what to do mine about he said we can also make them up to, but i dont know what to make it up of so i was thinking and then an idea came up its about this girl who got shot but does not remember what happened to her or who she is! but right now i have just begun i dont even know if it is giong to work or what!

Brain Pop: Nutrition

NUTRITION everybody likes a good diet right-(NOT) nobody likes diets but if every body would eat a bit healthy then they wouldent have to go on a diet! i just finished wating a brain pop video and its was aout nutrition and ti talked about the food piramid! and told me what to eat and what not to eat! so go watch the video and then take the quiz i got 7 out of 10!

Brain Pop:leap year

LEAP YEAR yeah i know it sounds kind of confusing! but i just watched a video on and that video explains the reason of y we have a leap year so now i get it when they say leap year! so go watch the video an then take the quiz! i got 7 OUT OF 10!

Friday, July 24, 2009

What To Do For My Power Point!

well for the power point i am thinking of doing it of sport maybe because i really like sports! also cuz there are many thing that are interesting about sports!

well today July 24 2009 was so cool we had free dress day everyone was looking really nice! and we also had picture day! but i am afriad that i might have closed my eyes in the flash! the 7b team teacher came up with a good idea. they told us to try to dress hawian so that in the picture for the yearbook/I.D all the 7b student would be able to be told apart! but if you dident have nuthing they would just give you a lay and you would take the picture with that! and well it was realy cool and a good idea!


Friends! well there are good friends and bad friends! for exampe a good friends would do anything just for both of you to be happy but a bad friend would do the impossible to make your life misarable! friends come and go but a real friend will never will be able to go! an friend is aways there for you no matter what!

Brain Pop: Cameras

CAMERAS! omg i just saw a video that was about cameras and well i learned a lot! i went to and saw the video!!and well it talked about how cameras work and what they have in them and well dont wait just go see the video and then take the quiz! i got 8 out of 10!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


BULLYING! UGG! dont wev all hate bullies well of couse we do i mean who would like bullies there ao mean and rude! well i just finish seeing a video on brain pop and it was about bullying! and well i learned alot like how do aviod them and well they give really good tips! and when i finshed with video i took the quiz! my score was 9 OUT OF 10! YAY! but you can do the same just go to

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Well my brother just got married like 3 months ago and well yeah now i have a sister in law which is really really cool! cuz i have always wanted to have a sister and even though she is not my real sister i still treat her like one. i tell her every thing that goes on in my life.(ex:school,problems,friends ect..) and well yeah its pretty cool cuz now i have some one to talk to!and i mean she gives me some good advice when i need it and well she tells me many thing about her self to. and i think that she is like my diary cuz she knows like most of my life! so now u have an idea og how a sister-in-law is like!

p.s.:her name is GINA! (LOL)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Movie Review: The Haunting In Connecticut

WELL it was not so long ago that i went to see this movie! and well it pretty cool even though it knid of scary its still really good the main idea is that its about horro even though its not that scary! it about this family with a kid tha ha cancer but they kive really far away from the hospital so they decide to move closer to the hospital! and well yeah the new house they bought is haunted but they dont know it! until weried things start to happen like they stare to see ghost and other creepy stuff! but the weried thing is that is tha only the sick people can see it not the wealthy people! and well if you want to know more just see the movie and i think that you will really love it i mean i did! ( !beware its scary!)

Book Review: SPEAK!

SPEAK! wow awsome book! well wat this book is mainly about is about a girl named melinda! and it talks about how this one girl!(melinda) went to an end of the school party. she had just got out of 8th grade!and well she went but... she ratted the party out!! OMG and well from that day on none of her old friends wanted to talk to her! infact nobody really want to know anything about her! and well now she feels all lonly. untill one day a new girl comes to class and becomes her friend! and well at the end of the book she suddenly speaks! she tell her old friend what happen but to know what really happens at the end of the story you will have t oread it your self! hurry!

Brain Pop: NAILS

Omg its NAIL time! okay every girls likes to know more about nails well most of the girls! well when i saw the video of nails on BRAINPOP.COM i was like WOW just what i have been looking for a video based on NAILS and well yeah its very interesting you learn anout why nails are good and why we can use nails! what i learn is that i have to let my nails grow cause they work for good like scratching your self but at the same time its bad cause you could break it and it really hurts! well right after you see the video take the quiz! i got 7 out of 10! but what will u get well see the video take the test and then u will know! can u beat me????

Brain Pop: PUBERTY!

eeeeww i know but guess what its natural! every body has to go through puberty! I know it might sound kind of gross but who cares if you want to know more about puberty just go to brain pop. com and click on puberty which is under health! once your done watching the video take the quiz! i took it i got 9 out of 10! but lets see can u beat me??

Brain Pop: MP3

MP3!!!!!!! wow every bosy likes knowing about mp3 players. right cause i know that do! well if you wna t to know more anout mp3 players then just go to and click on mp3.(under technolgy) thjis video is reallly informative! and if you dont belive me jsut go see it your self it tought me that you dont here every sound of a song! and after you finsh the video take the test my score was 8 out of 10! Can you beat me???

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


CAMPING!! the best expereince ever it waz my first time camping ever and it was the best time of my life! the best part about camping is that you get to spend more time with your family! the funest thing that we did in camping was get in the lake although it was a bit cold at first then it gets warm! but there are many things that make camping fun! like we did many thing me and my little cousins played softball and we also played catch. and in the night we all sat around the camfire like a loveable family and we started to tell some funny jokes! and well i guess that the best experience is always the first!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


4TH Of July what can i say about this day well some people think (people:kids) that its just a day for poping fireworks but hey it way more than that its the day that they signed the declaration of independence. but no for some people its just a normal day were they pop firework but do they know y they pop fireworks well they should. so next time u pop fireworks on "4TH OF JULY" you hsve to know why you are poping those firework!

Brain Pop Video: HICCUPS

Every body likes to know "How do you get hiccups" well now you can know all you have to do is go to and look under health and there it will say Hiccups see the video and I promise that you will love it i mean i loved it, the video was really interesting before I watched this video dident know nuthing about hiccups but know I know more that I need to know!!

Brian Pop Video:HEADACHES

Well i saw the video of headaches and this vidoe was really interesting. The video expained all the kinds of headaches.And trust me there are a lot. an they explain and by they i mean tim mobby! they are the main characters thye explain everything!And well they say how to aviod gettting them. so what are you waiting fro go and see the vidoe now! And then take the test! the results i go was 6 out of 10 but what will you get can you beat me!

Brian Pop about: SLEEP

This video was really infromitive! It tought me that when you are sleeping many thing can go on like I dident know that there was a cycle on sleeping which is pretty cool actully! So go and see it just go to and click on heath then personal health then sleep and there it will apear!And once you see the video take the test what I got was 7 out of 10 but what can you get???

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My First Day Of 7th grade

Well this day was not the best day ever.Well not as good as I expected it to be.It was not as good as i expected it to be because me and my friends were all fighting and we were in an argue for a dumb poster but at the end of the day my day got bright I found out that I had classes with some of the friends that were not fighting with me and I dident really care about the fight any more and said I dont care if she is mad at me and carryed along with the day that was suppose to the the best day ever!!