Friday, July 24, 2009


Friends! well there are good friends and bad friends! for exampe a good friends would do anything just for both of you to be happy but a bad friend would do the impossible to make your life misarable! friends come and go but a real friend will never will be able to go! an friend is aways there for you no matter what!


  1. the friwnd thingy is relly true n i hope u find a really friend n about the lessons from a dead girl i hope u enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!! lol..............

  2. Hi, I really liked your Friends blog. It is so true that if you have a good friend, that friend will do anything to keep you happy. But be careful, there are bad friends that might want to do somehting bad to you.

    I just started blogging, hopefully you will read it and like it. Comments/ideas/advice is always welcome. :)
